Technology Development during the Renaissance

Most of Europe at the time was coming out from an era of total war and destruction. People weren’t fully acknowledged about what was coming ahead, an era of rebirth and reform. The Renaissance is the French work for rebirth. The name was appropriate for the era since it was a time of new idea, invention, and reformation. It originally started in Italy a place that is suited for the beginning of the Renaissance. Italy was the right place because of its natural resources and location. Since Italy is in the center of Europe, it was sometime call the fulcrum of Europe, and it had lots of trade that influence throughout Europe. The Renaissance was a rebirth in innovation, religion, and politic.
The Renaissance was a time of innovation and improvement. Many technologies and theories were being developed during this time. Art was a great contribution from the Renaissance too. Art was made with a new view of prospective and oil paint gives the art more life than what it was back then. These art works bought a new era of creativity and free thinking. Many theories were created and questioned because of the free thinking space of the Renaissance. Theories such as heliocentricity give birth to telescope and constellation. Many other technologies are eyeglasses, spectacle, and clocks. Weapon during the era were improve to reach standard. Guns, cannon, and other far range weapon are improved to shoot farther. Weapons were not the only things that were improve to go far. Ships were improved too, such as the carrack, a military ship that can hold up to 300 people and was the top gun ship at the time. The invention of the carrack helps bring the world to an era of exploration. These innovation bought Italy, the birth place of the Renaissance, to be the fulcrum of Europe where all trade was at.
While the innovation of the era help born the being of the modern era and made Europe economical strong, it brought Europe in to civil corruption. With the out growing economy, it brought greed countries and people to make greedy and trouble decision. Many of Europe head countries started to have eye on Italy a Jewel of Europe. This brought both economic war and war between standing nations. For example Spain, France, and etc. wanted to invade Italy for its economic wealth. Civil economic warring between the five Italian state cities was held during the time. These war and corruption brought the renaissance to its end.