Technology Development during the 20th Century

Technology, science, and inventions have progressed tremendously at an unprecedented rate during the hundred years of the 20th century. We began the 20th amazed at the wonder and novelty of airplanes, automobiles, and radio and we ended the 20th century with spaceships, computers, cell phones, and the wireless Internet.
1902- Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner The birth of the Teddy Bear named after Theodore Roosevelt George Claude invented neon light. 1903- Edward Binney and Harold Smith invented crayons The Wright brothers invented the first gas motored and manned airplane. 1906- Lee Deforest invents electronic amplifying tube (triode). 1907- The first ever piloted helicopter was invented by Paul Cornu. 1908- Cellophane was invented by Jacques E. Brandenberger. 1916- Henry Brearly invents stainless steel 1918- Super heterodyne radio circuit invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong. 1919- Pop-up toaster invented by Charles Strite. Short-wave radio invented The flip-flop circuit invented 1921- John Larson invented the lie detector. 1926- Robert H. Goddard invents liquid-fueled rockets. 1931- Germans Max Knott and Ernst Ruska co-invent the electron microscope. 1937- The first jet engine is built. 1945- The Atomic Bomb is invented. 1950- The First Credit Card is invented 1952- Edward Teller build the hydrogen bomb 1956- The hovercraft was invented by Christopher Cockerell. 1959- Barbie Doll was invented. 1962- The First computer game Spacewar was invented. Silicone breast implants invented 1963- Video Disk invented. 1964- BASIC (an early computer language) is invented by John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtz. 1966- First Electronic Fuel injection for cars invented. 1967- Handheld calculator invented. 1969- First Internet is invented, Arpanet invented. Barcode Scanner is invented 1971- Dot Matrix printer invented. LCD (liquid crystal display) invented. Faggin, Hoff and Mazor invented Microprocessor. 1972- The Word Processor is invented. 1973- The Ethernet is invented. 1975- Laser printer invented. 1976- Ink Jet printer is invented. 1983- Apple Lisa invented. 1984- CD-ROM invented. Apple Macintosh invented. 1985- Windows created by Microsoft. 1987- First 3d video game is invented. 1990- Tim Berners-Lee creates W (World Wide Web), internet protocol and HTML. 1995- JAVA is invented. (Computer language)