
Disadvantage from Prehistoric to 21st Century

Disadvantages of Technology throughout Time


Throughout history technology has helped the world in many ways yet it has also cost much. Some of the disadvantages of technology within history include:

Obsession with the internet has been a major issue because there has been an increased addiction to social networking and internet gaming, and more time spending on computers.  By having these obsessions and addictions with technology it has caused an increase in loneliness and solitude. These obsessions have caused a problem in society because they keep the public for communication, face to face, creating a disadvantage that remains with advances in technology.

Technology has also had a negative effect on civilization’s social associations.  Access to certain technology has corrupted people’s minds and motivations to a point where it causes them to commit crimes and go through unwanted behavior. People use technology to gain evidence and information on how to create more and more chaos and problems.  The technologies that we revolve ourselves around have a tendency to demonstrate and promote this type of behavior creating even further corrupted minds which only causes an undesirable chain reaction.

Another drawback technology has had to face is the fact that it has made society very lazy and unwilling to do anything themselves. Since the invention of the wheel it has created a need to use technology to do what we want instead of doing ourselves.  Nowadays we cannot even solve a simple math problem without using a calculator.

In addition technology has also taken jobs and careers away from the public. The creation of machines in factories took jobs away from those in the Industrial Revolution.

Technology has slowly taken over the career forces by becoming more and more involved and changed in order to do something someone can do.

Technology has also been proven to give faulty information. For example within the creation of the internet, people have found it necessary to give out wrong information to the public.

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